Tantric Energy Massage
Massages come in many flavours. And there are massages which have the Tantric label on them. The Tantric Energy Massage is quite apart from the usual kinds. Read more below.
So how does it differ?
The usual kinds of massage, like swedish, hot stone, thai and deep tissue massages aim to bring a sense of wellness or work on muscle knots. Tantric massages, and especially the Tantric Energy massage work on releasing the inherent life-force ('Prana') that resides in our being, but rarely expresses itself fully in many people. Those who have felt the wonderful effect it has on spirit and body are among the blessed few in the often hectic world we live in.
Depending on the conversation between client and practitioner about consent, boundaries and desires (see the blog-post on this topic), the massage can be carried out on the naked or lightly covered body. The naked option is to be preferred because light touch will then be better experienced for most people. The lightly covered option can work for those who are able to get themselves into the energetically beneficial mood.
Either-way, an energetically receptive mood can be achieved by creating a warm and trustful environment, laced with Eastern music and enhanced by a breathing technique that allows the life-force to awaken.
Again, the agreements made between client and practitioner can allow specific parts of the body to be included or excluded in the practice. If genital touch will be allowed or desired it will be light, and there will never be any sort of penetration.